What is healthy for you and what is not, has gotten insanely confusing these days. Fad diets, cleanses, and superfoods can make you feel like you're being pulled in many directions but still not getting the results you want. Something that may be good for someone else could be damaging for you. Ayurveda helps to simplify what is appropriate for your specific body, time of life, and environment. Once you learn enough about Ayurveda and your specific needs, you can start figuring out on your own what will help you and what you're better off without.
Make the most of your Consultation
In most initial consultations we cover diet and lifestyle. We go through your day to day routine and identify the factors which are contributing to disharmony before we can go further. This does not mean that you are going to be told you have to give up all your indulgences. There is a time and place for most everything. It’s a matter of learning how the things you are doing are effecting you and how you can adapt them to be healthier. You can get a jump start on this by reading some basic guidelines that Ayurveda has set. This will help you come in to the consult with many things already being worked on so we can address deeper, more long standing health issues. Or you can just come as you are and the first appointment can be a more educational one.
What To Expect
In a consultation we will take an extensive personal and medical history, including questions about daily diet, profession, working conditions, exercise routines, relationships, and mental health. We will work on figuring out the root cause of the symptoms that are presenting. This takes time and effort of both parties so be prepared to do the work. We have developed an erroneous notion that popping a pill can fix our problems. While it may mask acute symptoms, it usually does not address the reason you are having the symptom to begin with. That very pill can elicit a host of side effects which may require more pills to cover up. A lot of people come layered with symptomology from being out of balance for so long. This means, that sometimes getting you to your optimal state of health can take time and work - so don’t get discouraged and come with an open mind and patience for yourself as well as the science.